Sun Spot Removal

Chrome Laser

Before & After


After years of exposing your skin to the sun, you might start developing small, dark spots on your skin known as sun spots. These sunspots can develop at any age and can be unsightly and make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. There are ways of removing these spots and getting the clear skin you desire. It’s important to talk to your dermatologist to find out what your options are and what will work best to get the results that you’re looking for.

Removing Your Sun Spots

While sunspots are harmless, it can damage your self-esteem and add time to your routine while you try to cover these spots up. There are ways to make these spots less noticeable and lighten or remove them completely. Your dermatologist can inform you of different treatments that can help even out the tone of your skin and help you look younger again!

One form of treatment is with the use of laser therapy. Your dermatologist will use a laser and intense pulsed light therapy to penetrate the skin and get rid of sun spots. This method helps penetrate the top layer of your skin by damaging it. You may need two or three sessions to get the full results that you want.

Microdermabrasion is another method that can help remove sun spots. This method helps remove the damaged layers of skin and encourages new, healthy skin to regenerate in its place. Depending on the severity of your issue, you may need several sessions over a period of months.

Chemical peels can also help promote new, healthy skin. This peel removes the top layer of skin and encourages new skin growth. This could also help improve the overall texture of your skin and give you a look you can feel happy with.

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